Discovery Health Gap Cover

Discovery Health gap cover is designed to protect individuals from medical aid shortfalls and unforeseen healthcare costs. It's restricted to Discovery Health medical aid members, with the exception of those belonging to the KeyCare Series.

Launched in 2016, Discovery's gap cover is one of several short-term insurance products provided by Discovery Insure. Discovery Insure is part of the Discovery Group, a diversified financial services conglomerate with global operations. It currently insures more than 1.5 million South Africans.

Discovery Health gap cover plans

  • Discovery Health - Gap Core: Executive & Classic Gap Cover

    Discovery Health’s Core gap cover provides in-hospital cover at up to 250% of the medical scheme tarriff.

    It also offers extended gap cover benefits for approved in-hospital specialist claims and oncology claims.

    Discovery’s Core: Executive & Classic gap cover is available to individuals and families who are members of Discovery Health Executive or Classic medical aid plans.

  • Discovery Health - Gap Comprehensive: Essential & Coastal Gap Cover

    Discovery’s Comprehensive gap cover provides in-hospital cover for medical expense shortfalls at up to 500% of the medical scheme tarriff.

    It also offers extended gap cover benefits for hospital admission (including gap cover for private ward fees); oncology; scopes and scans; and medical emergencies while travelling.

    Discovery's Gap Comprehensive: Essential & Coastal gap cover is available to existing members of Discovery Health Essential or Coastal medical aid plans.

  • Discovery Health - Gap Core: Essential & Coastal Gap Cover

    Discovery Health’s Core gap cover provides in-hospital cover for medical expense shortfalls at up to 250% of the medical scheme tarriff.

    It also offers extended gap cover benefits for approved in-hospital specialist claims and oncology claims.

    Discovery's Gap Core: Essential and Coastal gap cover is available to existing members of Discovery Health Essential or Coastal medical aid plans.

Why choose Discovery Health gap cover?

  • affordable gap cover that's suitable for all Discovery Health members
  • covers shortfalls in medical expenses and copayments for specific procedures
  • Discovery's supplementary gap cover offers to pay back up to 25% of your annual premiums
  • supplementary cover provides lump-sum payouts, premium protection and home support when you need it
  • extender options available for hospital admission and oncology benefits.
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