Discovery Health - Essential Comprehensive Medical Aid Plan

Discovery Health - Essential Comprehensive

Comprehensive medical aid with full cover for private hospitalisation, cover up to 100% of the Discovery rate for in-hospital specialists and full cover for approved chronic medication at any pharmacy.

15% of contributions go to a medical savings account, for covering day-to-day medical expenses.

In Hospital Benefits

Overall Annual Limit

Unlimited at 100% (Discovery Health Rate)


Any hospital

GP's & Specialists

GP's & Specialists: Unlimited

Radiology & Pathology: Unlimited

Oncology: R500 000 (80% after)

Organ Transplants: Treatment Plan

Dialysis: Treatment Plan

Internal Prosthesis: Procedure based, limits apply


PMB's + Additional

Out of Hospital Benefits

Saving / Day to Day / OHEB


Member: R11 061

Adult: R10 440

Child: R2 229


Pooled Day to Day Benefit

Not applicable

Threshhold / Safety Net

Member: R25 740

Adult: R25 740

Child: R4 910

Self-Payment Gap Before Threshold


Above Threshold Limits

Yes, as per limits.

Maternity Care

12 consultations, private ward up to R2 460 p/day, certain blood tests, X2D scans



Member: R6292

Adult: R5942

Per Child: R1269









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